Sadly, April was a weird month for books. I read one 4 star read, but the rest of the books were 3 stars or lower. .................................................................................................................................................... Wicked Saints by Emily Duncan ★ ★ ★ Right after I finished this book, I immediately rated in 4 stars, but after some thinking I lowered it to 3 stars. This was one of those books that I really thought I would love, and I did enjoy the book, but I just didn't seem to be excited to read it as I am with other books. Overall, I liked this book, I just wished it'd been more of an interesting read. .................................................................................................................................................... Heroine by Mindy McGinnis ★ ★ This book was a hard book to read, and I guess that's what the author was going for, but it just was never ending...
A booklover's blog for YA books