1 .Best Book You've Read So Far in 2018? Turtles All The Way Down by John Green and Made You Up by Francesca Zappia Both of these books deal with mental illness, and most times writing mental illnesses is really tough, but these two authors got it right. 2. Best Sequel You've Read So Far in 2018? Case for Jamie by Brittany Cavallaro I absolutely loved this sequel! It picked up a couple months after The Last of August and the author did an amazing job of tying up the loose ends in the second book. 2. New Release You've Haven't Read, But Want To? Fawkes by Nadine Brandes I've heard such amazing things about this book and I want to read so badly! I've requested it at my library, which is on order as of right now so hopefully I can read it soon! 4.Most Anticipated Release For Second Half of 2018? Evermore by Sara Holland I absolutely loved Everless, I read in one sitting, and I've always loved roy...
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